About Me

I'm Allie. I'm 20 something years old. I've been told I have an infectious laugh, I'm not sure if that's a good or bad quality...The art of blogging is new to me. In fact anything that has to do with technology is new to me. No joke it took me a month to figure out my iphone, which I still feel is too much for me...

What I love the most about blogs, are learning everyone's viewpoints. In todays world I feel its hard not to be biased about most subjects. So my inspiration for my  "about me" section was taken from another blog, because I feel its the best way for you to get to know me.

1) When was the last time you did exactly what you wanted to do?
      ~That's a tough one. I'm a people pleaser, I'm always my last concern. But I would have to say today I slept in until noon today, which isn't often for me!
 2) Describe your ideal day.
       ~To spend it with people I love the most.
 3) Who's the one person that can always make you smile?
       ~That's an easy one. My father. He's my best friend, and is always there when I need him. God has truly blessed me.
 4) What's your happy song?
       ~The Way it is, by Bruce Hornsby~always puts me in a good mood.
 5) Do you wish you were the eldest, middle, or youngest child?
      ~The youngest
 6) What was your last dream about?
       ~I dreamt I was at a wedding chasing a friend down the entire time to tell him I loved him...
 7) What's on your list of things to do before you die?
       ~Lay on top of Victoria Falls in Africa--google it!
 8) If you were to go on a picnic, what would your perfect picnic basket contain?
      ~Fried chicken is a given and ah heck apple pie!
 9) If you could eat one thing for a month, what would it be?
 10) Tell me something about you that not many people know.
       ~I'm strong willed, which for the most part is a good attribute, but it can get me into trouble sometimes...

My goal with this blog is to bring you positive, inspiring, encouraging, and funny tips.  Long story short my God, family, faith, friends, and music are what keep alive. I hope you enjoy, and have a few good laughs, with my life anything is probable.

It's a pleasure to meet you...